Sunday, October 6, 2024
Optical cable: everything you need to know

Optical cable: everything you need to know

Optical cable is a type of cable in which the medium for the transmitted data is a light wave. What else is worth knowing? We will present the details in the following article. The cable...
A brief history of the rechargeable battery: types and types of batteries

A brief history of the rechargeable battery: types and types of batteries

In this TME White Paper we look at the various types and types of rechargeable batteries: Lithium-ion (Li-Ion) rechargeable battery, NiMH rechargeable battery, Li-Po rechargeable battery. A short history of rechargeable batteries The first battery...
A guide to the fundamentals of DC-DC converter design

A guide to the fundamentals of DC-DC converter design

By Ann-Marie Bayliss, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Murata and John Quinlan, Strategic Technical Marketing Manager, Murata Most electronic equipment involves the use of DC-DC conversion. The technique involving the use of DC-DC switching is...
Control of BLDC brushless DC motors

Control of BLDC brushless DC motors

Brushless DC (BLDC) motors are widely used in consumer appliances, industrial equipment, and automotive applications. Although they are proposed as a more...
Wireless communication for IoT with Arduino MKR

Wireless communication for IoT with Arduino MKR

One of the biggest problems facing the market for Internet of Things (IoT) devices is the high degree of fragmentation. The multitude of devices and communication protocols makes it much more difficult to build a system that is...
Sensors for Smart Agriculture

Sensors for Smart Agriculture

In this article, the last in the series dedicated to sensors, we take a closer look at sensors for smart farming. Smart Farms: The Role of Sensors 'Smart' agriculture uses sensors to enable farmers to increase productivity.
Embedded solutions for the IoT: making the right choices

Embedded solutions for the IoT: making the right choices

The market for embedded solutions has evolved significantly over the past decade, driven primarily by the expansion of the IoT sector. Increasingly sophisticated applications require more and more computing power and flexibility while tending toward miniaturization. At the same...
Microchip microcontrollers for electric motor control

Microchip microcontrollers for electric motor control

PIC32CM and PIC32MK Series 32-bit Components. PIC32CM Microcontroller Family, MC Series The broad portfolio of 32-bit PIC microcontrollers is divided into several families, each distinguished by a number of features...
Bidirectional GaN switches revolutionize power management

Revolutionary BiGaN switches for power management

This paper presents the innovative structure of the BiGaN device, discusses the performance of BiGaN devices, and analyzes different driver configurations for BiGaN. Bidirectional voltage clamping and current conduction are functions...
Digital healthcare: key innovative technology trends

Digital healthcare: key innovative technology trends

In recent years, the increasing integration of engineering and medicine has given rise to a number of revolutionary innovations that are transforming the healtcare (health care) landscape: from diagnostic imaging systems...



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